Next Version
Hello All!  Whilst it’s been quite here on the JamSoft blog we have been working on the next version of SampleSort.  Whilst there won’t be any major new features in this version there is a lot of optimisation and bug fixes to arrive in the next version. People are still reporting the odd occasion where SampleSort doesn’t complete a complete system scan for files which is hugely frustrating for everyone. If you do experience an instance of this it would be appreciated if you could visit the JamSoft Google Group and add a message and attach the log file to help us determine what occurred so we can include a bug fix in the next release of the application. You can find the log file at the following location: C:\ProgramData\JamSoft\SampleSort\Config Many Thanks!! JamSoft
JamSoft News

SampleSort on macOS

We’re very proud to announce that SampleSort has now made it’s way onto the Apple platform. You can download and start using SampleSort on any

JamSoft News

Updated UI & New Linux Version

JamSoft has been quiet for a little while now but that doesn’t mean we haven’t been busy little penguins. Since we last posted we have