Latest Downloads

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Historical Downloads

The table below contains a list of previous releases that can be downloaded and installed in the event of issues encountered in the current release.

You will have to remove installs with a higher version number before being able to install one of these historical releases.

Previous Releases

OSVersionRelease DateDownload LinkMD5 Hash
Windows 64bit1.4.12984th July 2022Download43a29b94f69f7952a0f465d31aea4934
Windows 64bit1.4.92016th May 2022Download80fa8d6f328034704199ffdf1f7c62db
Windows 64bit1.3.81122nd February 2022Downloadb73439f8cbbf5ecae51f99c614f2f456
Windows 64bit1.2.75610th February 2022Download18ded8ab70589987d98b54ae8d807f0a
Windows 64bit1.2.7334th February 2022Downloadd790266a1dedffca95fb5343537bdc19
Windows 64bit1.2.71827th January 2022Download6a1ca5a949395dff19270860fd1ff376

By downloading and using the software you agree to the SampleSort EULA