New Version Available 0.7.0

Well here is a good start to the year.  Whilst there isn’t anything new in the application as of this version there have been a number of things changed under the hood.  Lots of tidying up of code and some bugs ironed out of the database system with the application and a few code efficiency issues fixed.  You can download v0.7.0 using the link below or if you have update notification turned on SampleSort will automatically download the new version for installation.

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JamSoft News

SampleSort on macOS

We’re very proud to announce that SampleSort has now made it’s way onto the Apple platform. You can download and start using SampleSort on any

JamSoft News

Updated UI & New Linux Version

JamSoft has been quiet for a little while now but that doesn’t mean we haven’t been busy little penguins. Since we last posted we have