RanDrum Workflow

RanDrum Workflow
When viewing RanDrum the first thing it will do is load any samples contained in the drum related categories.
So it makes sense to use this view with a project containing a decent collection of drum samples.
Building The Kit
- On the left hand side are details about the drum samples assigned to the individual drum pads.
- There is also a rocker switch (+/-) to tell SampleSort how many of a particular sample type you want included in each randomisation pass.
- Once you have set the relevant number of samples for each sample type you want, click the drum button.
- SampleSort will randomly select samples based on your requested types and quantities and place one on each drum pad.
- You can then audition the samples by clicking on the drum pads.
- If you like a particular sound you can “ear-mark” it using the pad check-box.
- Now when you click the drum button, SampleSort will keep the samples you have “ear-marked” and do another random selection.
- You can keep performing this loop until you have built the kit you want.
If you want to start over completely and reset everything, click the + button.
Once you have completed the kit your can export the samples to disk and in either a collection of samples or with a Battery format kit file as well. Currently, this only outputs in Battery XML format.