SampleSort Version 0.8.398 Released

We’ve just made a new version of SampleSort available for download – v0.8.398.

In this update we have built on the changes in the last update to improve the scanning processes even further.  We’ve also laid the groundwork for allowing user configurable categories coming in a future version.  We’ve also addressed various small bugs along with other small enhancements.

We have also added a much asked for feature to allow multi-select in the various application data grids.  You can now select multiple records and bulk add them to the export view.

Oooh, New UI!

The major change in this release comprises a completely overhauled UI.  We’ve redesigned everything in the UI to make better use of space and to provide an improve user experience.  We’ve also made use of a completely new colour scheme to place more emphasis on the data you want to see.  We hope you like the new UI, we’d love to hear any feedback.

You can see the new main view in the screenshot below:


We’ve also done a lot of housekeeping around to reduce the download to just over 8.5mb.  Another major change in this release is that we have decided to move away from using the built in Help system.  We are going to publishing the help documentation on the jamsoft web site moving forward.

Anyway, really hope you enjoy the new version and please drop us line.

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SampleSort on macOS

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